PUBG Mobile Best Sensitivity 2024

As a dedicated PUBG Mobile player, I understand the importance of having the best sensitivity settings to conquer the battlefields. Fine-tuning your sensitivity settings can greatly enhance your gameplay, allowing for precise aiming, smooth camera movements, and quick reflexes. In this article, I will guide you through the world of PUBG Mobile sensitivity settings and help you find the perfect configuration to dominate your opponents in 2024.

importance of sensitivity

Sensitivity settings play a crucial role in PUBG Mobile as they directly affect your ability to aim accurately and react swiftly in high-pressure situations. Whether you’re a sniper trying to hit long-range shots or an assault player engaging in close-quarters combat, finding the right sensitivity settings is essential for consistent and effective gameplay.

A higher sensitivity setting allows for quicker camera movements, which can be advantageous in fast-paced encounters. On the other hand, a lower sensitivity setting provides more precise control, enabling you to land precise shots. Striking the perfect balance between speed and accuracy is the key to mastering PUBG Mobile.

sensitivity options in PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile offers a range of sensitivity options that can be customized to suit your gameplay style. These options include camera sensitivity, ADS (Aim Down Sight) sensitivity, gyro sensitivity, and more. Let’s explore each of these options in detail:

Camera sensitivity:

Camera sensitivity determines how fast your camera moves when you swipe your finger across the screen. It affects your ability to look around and track enemies. Adjusting the camera sensitivity to your preference is crucial to maintain control over your movements.

ADS sensitivity:

ADS sensitivity refers to the sensitivity when aiming down sights. It controls how fast your crosshair moves when you are scoped in on an enemy. Finding the right ADS sensitivity ensures that you can smoothly track targets and make precise adjustments while aiming.

Gyro sensitivity:

Gyro sensitivity utilizes the motion sensors in your device to control the in-game camera. Enabling gyro sensitivity can provide an extra level of precision by allowing you to tilt your device to aim. It takes some practice to get used to, but it can significantly improve your aiming capabilities once mastered.

sensitivity settings for PUBG Mobile in 2024

Now that we understand the different sensitivity options in PUBG Mobile, let’s delve into the process of finding the best sensitivity settings for optimal performance in 2024. Here are some steps you can follow:

Step 1: Start with default settings:

Begin by using the default sensitivity settings provided by PUBG Mobile. This will give you a baseline to work with and help you understand your current comfort level.

Step 2: Experiment and find your comfort zone:

Next, start tweaking the sensitivity settings gradually. Make small adjustments and play a few matches to see how they feel. Take note of any improvements or drawbacks you experience with each change.

Step 3: Analyze your gameplay:

After experimenting with different sensitivity settings, analyze your gameplay. Pay attention to aspects such as your accuracy, reaction time, and overall comfort. This will help you identify which settings are working best for you.

Step 4: Fine-tune and repeat:

Based on your analysis, fine-tune the sensitivity settings further. Make minor adjustments to achieve the perfect balance between speed and accuracy. Repeat this process until you find the sweet spot that maximizes your performance.

control with the right sensitivity settings

Recoil control plays a vital role in PUBG Mobile, especially during intense firefights. Having the right sensitivity settings can greatly assist in managing recoil and landing accurate shots. Here’s how you can master recoil control through sensitivity settings:

Adjust camera sensitivity for vertical recoil:

Vertical recoil can be challenging to manage, especially when using automatic weapons. By increasing the camera sensitivity, you can react faster to counter the upward kick of the weapon, helping you maintain control and accuracy.

Fine-tune ADS sensitivity

Horizontal recoil can cause your crosshair to drift sideways during sustained fire. By adjusting the ADS sensitivity, you can counter this sideways movement more effectively, keeping your aim on target.

Experiment with sensitivity

Different weapons have varying recoil patterns and firing rates. Experiment with different sensitivity settings for each weapon to find the optimal configuration that allows you to control recoil and land accurate shots consistently.

better aiming in PUBG Mobile

Gyro sensitivity is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your aiming capabilities in PUBG Mobile. By using the motion sensors in your device, you can tilt and rotate it to aim precisely. Here are some tips for adjusting gyro sensitivity:

Start with a low sensitivity:

When starting out with gyro aiming, begin with a low sensitivity setting. This will allow for smoother movements and easier control. As you become more comfortable, gradually increase the sensitivity to find the perfect balance.

Practice and adjust:

Gyro aiming requires practice to develop muscle memory and fine-tune your movements. Spend time in training mode or play casual matches to get accustomed to gyro aiming. Adjust the sensitivity as needed to ensure precise and fluid aiming.

Find the right grip:

The way you hold your device can affect gyro sensitivity. Experiment with different grips to find the one that feels most comfortable and provides the best control over your aiming movements. Remember to keep your device steady during gameplay to minimize unwanted movements.

Fine-tuning your sensitivity settings

Scopes can greatly impact your gameplay in PUBG Mobile, and having the right sensitivity settings for each scope is essential. Let’s explore how to fine-tune your sensitivity settings for specific scopes:

3x sensitivity:

The 3x scope requires a slightly higher sensitivity setting compared to other scopes. This is because it offers a medium zoom level, and you need to be able to track targets accurately while maintaining a good field of view. Increase the sensitivity for smoother movements when using the 3x scope.

No recoil sensitivity:

To minimize recoil while spraying with automatic weapons, it’s crucial to fine-tune your sensitivity settings. Lowering the sensitivity can help you maintain better control over your crosshair, reducing the vertical and horizontal recoil during sustained fire.

Recommended sensitivity settings

While sensitivity settings are subjective and depend on individual preferences, here are some recommended settings that can serve as a starting point for PUBG Mobile in 2024:

Camera sensitivity:

  • TPP (Third Person Perspective) – 85-95%
  • FPP (First Person Perspective) – 75-85%

ADS sensitivity:

  • TPP – 25-35%
  • FPP – 20-30%

Gyro sensitivity:

  • Camera – 10-15%
  • ADS – 5-10%

These settings provide a good balance between speed and accuracy, allowing for smooth camera movements, precise aiming, and effective recoil control.

Tips for optimizing

To further optimize your PUBG Mobile sensitivity settings, consider these additional tips:

Regularly reassess your settings:

As your gameplay evolves, it’s important to reassess your sensitivity settings periodically. Changes in playstyle, new weapons, or updates to the game may require adjustments to maintain optimal performance.

Customize for different devices:

Different devices have varying screen sizes and touch sensitivities. Take the time to adjust your sensitivity settings accordingly when switching between devices to ensure consistency in your gameplay experience.

Seek inspiration

Professional players often share their sensitivity settings, which can serve as a valuable reference point. Experiment with their settings and see if they work well for you. Remember, however, that personal preference plays a significant role, so don’t hesitate to make adjustments to suit your style.


Mastering PUBG Mobile requires more than just good aim and quick reflexes. Fine-tuning your sensitivity settings can give you the competitive edge needed to dominate the battlefields. By understanding the different sensitivity options, experimenting with adjustments, and analyzing your gameplay, you can find the perfect configuration that suits your playstyle. Remember to regularly reassess and customize your settings, and seek inspiration from professional players. With the best sensitivity settings for PUBG Mobile in 2024, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a formidable force in the game.

Sensitivity Code



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